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Person Page 3,048

Emma Crawford

b. say 1840


Emma Crawford was born say 1840 in Wells. Date derived from age in 1881 Census1,2

Family life

Emma Crawford was married between 1860 and 1865.3,2 Jesse Flowerdew and she were married in September 1866 in Walsingham.4,3,2

Children with Jesse Flowerdew (b. 22 June 1846)

DaughterLouisa Jane Flowerdew (d. December 1871)
DaughterKatie Emma Flowerdew (b. say 1869)
DaughterLouisa Jane Flowerdew (b. say 1872)
SonWalter Flowerdew (b. say 1877)


Emma Crawford was at age ~41 as of on 3 April 1881.1,2 She was recorded as dead in March 1908 in London, England. age 74, name given as Emma Sarah3,5,2


  1. [S253] Flowerdew, 3 April 1881 Census UK, Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Islington, General Register Office, England, Piece 0254 Folio 77.
  2. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S264] "Descendants of John Flowerday of Beeston St Lawrence, Norfolk", Ruth Flowerdew; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  4. [S259] Arthur Flowerdew, Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths: General Register Office, 1988, 4b 516 Walsingham.
  5. [S259] Arthur Flowerdew, Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths: General Register Office, 1988, vol 1b 230.
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Last Edited21 August 2018