All our tracks and ways - available October 2024

Cover for "All our tracks and ways"Jim Fleming writes about the history of the Fleming, Jolliffe, Kessey and Murphy families of New South Wales, including their forebears.

He plans to publish "All our tracks and ways" in October 2024.

The book provides a history of a pioneering Bourke family headed by James Reed and Frances Heazle, a devoted, resilient and resourceful couple whose lives of initiative and enterprise helped to forge a better future for their ten adult children and eighty-nine grandchildren. It details the struggles and successes of three generations of an immigrant family of ordinary people from rural England and Ireland throughout the nineteenth century. The background to their lives features the Napoleonic war, the Aboriginal Wars, the development of democracy in NSW and the experience of women on the Australian frontier.

Click the image at left to open his other, book-focussed website for details about this forthcoming book.

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Links to my last few stories and research findings are provided below. For earlier blogs, click on the Blog menu item (or click here).

10/7/2023 - Discovered! Maryn Lahy's fate - About Mary Scott nee Lahy
19/10/2022 Story
Frances Reed
pioneer of Bourke
28/7/2022 Solved!
The mystery of William Baker's arrival in Australia
10/7/2022 Story
Alfred Ernest Whye was one of the first Aboriginal servicemen
8/7/2022 Correction
James Murphy did not die in 1914 and is not buried in Bourke

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