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Person Page 3,188

Mary Grime

b. 4 June 1829, d. 14 November 1911

Person Exhibits

Logo Mary Grimes 1829


Mary Grime was born on 4 June 1829 in Parramatta.1,2,3,4 She was baptized on 12 July 1829 at St John's Church in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.4 She was baptized on 19 July 1829 at St John's Church in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.4


FatherJames Grime, The Younger (b. 5 October 1796, d. 1 March 1869)
MotherCatherine Long (b. 1801, d. 9 January 1871)

Family life

George Gardner and Mary Grime were married on 14 February 1846 in Capertee. The minister, Colin Stewart, came from the Vale of Clwyd. Both bride and groom were residents of Capertee, as were the two witnesses. George was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland.5,3,6,1

Children with George Gardner (b. 4 September 1813, d. 25 September 1890)

SonGeorge J Gardner (b. 1845)
DaughterAnn J Gardner (b. 1847, d. 1847)
SonJames Gardner (b. 1850, d. before 14 November 1911)
DaughterMary J Gardner (b. 1850, d. circa 1850)
SonAlfred Gardner (b. 1852, d. before 1869)
DaughterMartha Gardner (b. 1854)
SonLewis W Gardner (b. 1858)
SonHenry J Gardner (b. 1861)
SonAttwood Charles Gardner+ (b. 24 December 1862, d. 1 May 1937)
DaughterEmily E E Gardner (b. 1864, d. before 14 November 1911)
DaughterFemale Gardner (b. 1867, d. 1867)
SonAlfred E Gardner (b. 1869, d. 1870)
SonAlbert Arthur Gardner (b. 1871)

Working life

  • On 13 November 1911 Mary Grime was an Old Aged Pensioner at Clissold Parade in Campsie.1


Mary Grime died from broncho-pneumonia on 14 November 1911 at age 82 at Clissold Parade in Campsie.7,1 She was buried on 15 November 1911 at CofE Cemetery in Canterbury.1


  1. [S1226] Death Certificate, Mary Gardner nee Grime, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1911 No 14089.
  2. [S1228] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index: NSW Births Grime x 4, (Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.)
  3. [S343] Birth Certificate Vol 1862 No 7321, Attwood Charles Gardner, (21 February 1863), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  4. [S1263] Baptismal Record: Grimes, Mary, Vol 1C, No 9273, (12 Jul 1829), also No 58 in Vol 13 (19 Jul 1829), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Sydney
  5. [S320] Marriage Certificate, George Gardner and Mary Grimes, 14 February 1846, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. Vol 77 No 302.
  6. [S1253] Death Certificate, George Gardner, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1890 No 4540.
  7. [S530] "RR: The Founders by Rod Warnock", June 2005, Rod Warnock (Kilaben Bay NSW); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Gardner
Last Edited20 August 2020