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Albert Arthur Gardner

b. 1871


Albert Arthur Gardner was born in 1871 in Baradine.1


FatherGeorge Gardner (b. 4 September 1813, d. 25 September 1890)
MotherMary Grime (b. 4 June 1829, d. 14 November 1911)

Family life

Albert Arthur Gardner and Florence Maud Ellis were married on 23 September 1893 at an Anglican Church in Sydney.1

Partner with Florence Maud Ellis (b. 1872)

Residence information

Albert Arthur Gardner lived at Albert Street in Campsie, New South Wales, Australia, on 14 November 1911, commercial traveller.2,1



  1. [S1262] Marriage Certificate, Albert Arthur Gardner and Florence Maud Ellis, 23 Sep 1893, Ancestry, NSW. Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney Register.
  2. [S1226] Death Certificate, Mary Gardner nee Grime, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1911 No 14089.
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ContextGardner clan
Last Edited1 July 2020