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James Grime, The Younger

b. 5 October 1796, d. 1 March 1869

Person Exhibits

Logo for James Grime the younger (the ship Harpooner)


James Grime, The Younger, was born on 5 October 1796 in Bolton.1,2 He was baptized on 9 October 1796 at St James Church in Haslingden, Lancashire. The family lived in the Bolton parish1,3,4 He, the father of Jane Grime, presented her for baptism on 11 November 1832 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.5


FatherJames Grime, The Older (b. 1759, d. 10 September 1831)
MotherBetty Entwistle (b. March 1764, d. 15 January 1831)

Family life

James Grime, The Younger, and Jane Hardman were married on 4 January 1815 in Bolton.6 He and Catherine Long were married on 20 August 1827 at Scots Church in Sydney.7,8 He and Catherine Long were separated circa 1833 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.9

Children with Jane Hardman (b. 1796)

SonJames Grime+ (b. 1 March 1816, d. 28 July 1872)
SonWilliam Grime (b. 16 August 1818, d. 16 October 1819)

Children with Catherine Long (b. 1801, d. 9 January 1871)

SonJames Grime (b. 15 July 1826, d. 13 January 1866)
SonJohn Grime (b. 5 May 1828, d. 18 May 1828)
DaughterMary Grime+ (b. 4 June 1829, d. 14 November 1911)
DaughterJane Grime (b. 19 September 1832, d. 27 July 1896)

Residence information

James Grime, The Younger, emigrated on 17 June 1819 from London, England, United Kingdom. The captain had received dispatches for the NSW Governor on the previous day. The ship sailed at 6am under a north-easterly breeze.10,11,12 He immigrated on 29 October 1819 to Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, at Port Jackson. The ship anchored in Sydney Cove on the following day. The ship brough a guard of 31 men of the 89th Regiment. It had touched at Rio de Janiero en route, leaving there on 17 August.11,13,12,14 He lived at the household of Benjamin Young (constable) in Liverpool, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, in November 1828, carpenter. The census records indicate that James Grime's carpentry skills were probably employed on the Liverpool convict barracks.13 He sold a house and land for 25 pounds on 19 September 1833 in Parramatta.15 He sailed aboard SS Harpooner on 29 January 1846 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.16 He arrived aboard the ship Harpooner on 26 October 1846 in Hobart, New South Wales, Australian Colonies. The document notes that this is "a whaling voyage put in for refreshments only". The cargo manifest was later endorsed "amended 4 Nov 1846".17 He sailed for the South Seas aboard the ship Harpooner on 3 December 1846 in Hobart, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.18 He departed aboard the ship Harpooner on 11 December 1846 in Hobart, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.19 He lived in Hobart, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 8 May 1848. On 8 May 1848 the butt copy of his Certificate of Freedom was endorsed "cleared out for H Town".2

Involvement in crime

James Grime, The Younger, was committed to trial on 17 October 1818 in Bolton, Lancashire. James Grime senior, James Grime junior and Solomon Mather were both charged with uttering forged notes at Bolton. James Grime senior was also charged with having forged notes in his possession. William Entwistle was charged with uttering forged Bank of England notes at Church Bank in Blackburn and with having another forged note in his possession. Henry Entwistle was charged with uttering a forged bank note to Thomas Brabin at Great Bolton and for having forged bank notes in his possession. Others charged with similar crimes included John Thomas, James Twist, William Morris.20,21,22 On 20 March 1819 in Lancashire, England, United Kingdom, James Grime, The Younger, was charged with having uttered a forged one pound note to Betty Towler at Bolton.20,23,10,24,2,22 He was convicted after pleading guilty to having forged notes in possession on 23 March 1819 in Lancaster, England, United Kingdom. Having pleaded guilty to a lesser charge, James Grime junior, William Entwistle, Solomon Mather and John Golding were all acquitted on the capital charge of having uttered a forged note25,22 He was sentenced to 14 years transportation on 2 April 1819 in Lancaster, England, United Kingdom.26,27,28,23,10,24,13,2 He was received into the Retribution Hulk from Lancaster Gaol on 5 May 1819 in Woolwich, Kent, England, United Kingdom.23 He was placed aboard the convict transport ship Malabar on 3 June 1819 in Woolwich, Kent, England, United Kingdom. Fifty prisoners from the Retribution Hulk went aboard at 1pm. An hour later they were joined by another fifty from the Bellerophon Hulk. At 6pm the ship weighed anchor and moved to a little below the Great Nore. The ship anchored off Dungenness on 5 June and moved to Spithead on 7 June, where 32 more convicts were taken aboard from the Laurel Hulk (at 2pm); plus another 40 from the Leviathan Hulk (at 6pm). The 16 youngest were selected and put into a separate prison on board the ship.23,11 He was landed from the Malabar on 5 November 1819 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies. The convicts were landed with their rations at 5am. Governor Macquarie addressed them in the gaol yard at 10am. None of the prisoners made any complaint against their treatment on the voyage. In fact, the prisoners presented Captain Ascough with a letter of thanks for their humane treatment during the voyage. Not a single person had been lost. The convicts were then distributed to Parramatta, Windsor, Liverpool and Emu Plains for assignment. Both James Grime and William Entwistle were sent to Parramatta.11,24,29 He was assigned to James Slator on 14 February 1823 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.30 He was assigned to Mr Hargreaves on 14 May 1823 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.30 He was assigned to James Gough on 23 July 1823 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.30 He was assigned to J Richard Brooks on 14 April 1824 in Minto, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.31 He was assigned to Mr Brooks in 1825 in Minto, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.32 He was sentenced to a fortnight on the treadmill on 8 February 1825 in Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.33 He was refused permission to marry by Rev Samuel Marsden on 24 October 1826 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.34 He was granted permission to marry by Rev JD Lang on 10 August 1827 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.35 He was recommended by the Parramatta Bench of Magistrates for a ticket of leave on 31 December 1829 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.36 He was granted his ticket of leave on 18 June 1830 in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.36 He was granted his certificate of freedom on 22 March 1833.36,2 Her spouse, in Sydney, New South Wales, Australian Colonies, on 26 February 1862.37

Working life

  • On 4 January 1815 James Grime, The Younger, was a weaver in Bolton.6
  • On 3 March 1816 James Grime, The Younger, was a weaver in Halliwell.3,38
  • On 16 August 1818 James Grime, The Younger, was a printer in Little Bolton.3
  • On 17 October 1818 James Grime, The Younger, was a calico printer in Bolton.24,2
  • In September 1822 James Grime, The Younger, was a government employee in Parramatta.39,40,41
  • On 14 April 1824 James Grime, The Younger, was a carpenter at Denham Court in Minto.31
  • On 19 July 1829 James Grime, The Younger, was a carpenter in Parramatta.42,43,8
  • On 3 December 1846 James Grime, The Younger, was a ship's carpenter in Hobart. He was a crew member aboard the whaling ship Harpooner, engaged in the South Seas fishery18
  • On 2 March 1858 James Grime, The Younger, was a publican at the Star Inn in Parramatta. His cousin (William Entwistle) and Robert Abbott each provided sureties in support of the granting of the license. The previous publican was James McRoberts.44,45
  • On 19 April 1859 James Grime, The Younger, was a publican at the Star Inn in Parramatta.46


James Grime, The Younger, died from hypertrophy of the heart on 1 March 1869 at age 72 at Benevolent Asylum in North Melbourne.


There is a memorial to James Grime, The Younger, at Melbourne General Cemetery in Parkville, Victoria. Follow this link for information and images of his memorial.


  1. [S1271] Baptismal Record: Grime, James 1796, Vol 1796, (9 Oct 1796), General Register Office, England, Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 2HH
  2. [S1295] James Grime, Certificate of Freedom, (NSW: Colonial Secretary), 22 Mar 1833, No 33/203. Certificate of Freedom register.
  3. [S1236] Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, Index to Lancashire Baptisms, (Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, 20 Jan 2021.)
  4. [S1303] Lancashire Online Parish Clerks, Index: Baptisms Grime x 6 at Bolton PR, (Lancashire Online Parish Clerks, 11 Aug 2020.)
  5. [S1294] Baptism Registration Bap: Grime, Jane 1832, Jane Grime, (11 Nov 1832), Society of Australian Genealogists.
  6. [S1210] Lancashire BMD, Index to Lancashire Marriages, (Lancashire BMD.)
  7. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  8. [S1385] Catherine Long, Certificate of Freedom, (NSW: Colonial Secretary), 3 Apr 1829, No 29/287. Certificate of Freedom register.
  9. [S530] "RR: The Founders by Rod Warnock", June 2005, Rod Warnock (Kilaben Bay NSW); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  10. [S1280] James Grime Junior, Convict Indent 1819 PRO Malabar: Grime James Junior, (London: Public Record Office), 16 Jun 1819, Malabar. Master: William Ascough.
  11. [S1281] Jen Willetts, Convict Ship Malabar 1819, downloaded; 1 May 2020
  12. [S1541] William Entwistle, Convict TOL Butt, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 10 Nov 1825, No. 551/2025
  13. [S1292] James Grime, Nov 1828 Census NSW, NSW, Liverpool, Archives Office, Liverpool page 5.
  14. [S1543] William Entwistle, Nov 1828 Census NSW, NSW, Sydney, Archives Office.
  15. [S1296] Deed: Grime-Ewings, Land Titles Office of NSW, Number 299.
  16. [S1297] "Customs Departure Clearance for ship Harpooner 29 Jan 1846," digital images, Libraries Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania ($002f$002fNAME_INDEXES$002f0$002fNAME_INDEXES:556627/one?qu=james&qu=grime : accessed )., downloaded; 1 July 2020
  17. [S1298] "Customs Inward Report for ship Harpooner 26 Oct 1846," digital images, Libraries Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania ( : accessed )., download; 1 July 2020
  18. [S1299] "Customs Departure Clearance for ship Harpooner 3 Dec 1846," digital images, Libraries Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania ( : accessed )., downloaded; 1 July 2020
  19. [S1300] "Customs Departure Clearance for ship Harpooner 11 Dec 1846," digital images, Libraries Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania ( : accessed )., download; 1 July 2020
  20. [S1273] Lancaster Calendar, Manchester Mercury, column 3, 23 Mar 1819, p12.
  21. [S1528] Committed to our Castle since our last, Lancaster Gazette, column 6, 17 Oct 1818, page 3.
  22. [S1529] various articles, Lancaster Gazette, Manchester Mercury, Leeds Mercury, Westmoreland Gazette and others, 1818 and 1819.
  23. [S1274] James Grime Junior, Convict Hulk Register: James Grime on Retribution 1819, (96 Euston Road, London: British Library), 5 May 1819, Retribution
  24. [S1282] James Grime Junior, Convict Indent 1819 NSW Malabar: Grime James Junior, (Sydney: NSW State Records), 30 Nov 1819, Malabar. Master: William Ascough.
  25. [S1275] Lancaster Assizes, Lancaster Gazette, column 3, 27 Mar 1819, p7.
  26. [S1277] Lancaster Assizes, Liverpool Mercury, column 8, 2 Apr 1819, p24.
  27. [S1278] Lancaster Assizes, The Star London, column 4, 13 Apr 1819, p18.
  28. [S1279] James Grime Junior, Criminal Court Register: Lancaster James Grime Junior 2 Apr 1819, 2 Apr 1819, page 628
  29. [S1283] James Grime Junior, Convict Distribution List 1819 NSW Malabar: Grime James Junior, (Sydney: NSW State Records), 30 Nov 1819, Malabar. Master: William Ascough.
  30. [S1287] James Grime, Convict Assignment 1823 NSW: Grime James, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 14 Feb 1823, 14 May and 23 Jul, pages 45 and 46. Sydney.
  31. [S1419] James Grime, Convict Assignment 1824 NSW: Grime James, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 14 April 1824, number 962. Denham Court, Minto.
  32. [S1288] James Grime, Convict Assignment 1825 NSW: Grime James, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 1825, page 229. Sydney.
  33. [S1289] Thomas Reddall, L: Reddall - Col Sec, Sydney: Colonial Secretary, 9 Mar 1825, Series NRS 897; Reels 6041-6064, 6071-6072.
  34. [S1290] James Grimes and Catherine Long, Convict Permission to Marry: 1826 Grime Long refused, (Kingswood: NSW Archives), 24 Oct 1826, Rev. Samuel Marsden. Refused.
  35. [S1291] James Grimes to Catherine Long, Convict PM: 1827 Grime Long granted, (Kingswood: NSW Archives), 10 Aug 1827, Rev. JD Lang. Refused.
  36. [S1293] James Grime, Convict TOL Butt: 1830 Grime James, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 18 Jun 1830, No. 30/377
  37. [S1395] Central Police Court, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Feb 1862.
  38. [S1272] Baptismal Record: Grime, James 1796, Vol 1816, (3 Mar 1816), General Register Office, England, Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 2HH
  39. [S1284] James Grime, Convict Muster 1822 NSW: Grime James, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 1822, Parramatta
  40. [S1285] James Grime, Convict Muster 1820 NSW: Grime James, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 1820
  41. [S1286] James Grime, Convict Muster 1821 NSW: Grime James, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 1821
  42. [S1263] Baptismal Record: Grimes, Mary, Vol 1C, No 9273, (12 Jul 1829), also No 58 in Vol 13 (19 Jul 1829), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Sydney
  43. [S1226] Death Certificate, Mary Gardner nee Grime, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1911 No 14089.
  44. [S1420] Publicans' Licenses, Sydney Morning Herald, Parramatta column, 10 Mar 1858, page 10.
  45. [S1421] James Grime, 20 April 1858 Publican's License, NSW, Parramatta, State Records of NSW, number 720.
  46. [S1422] Licensing Meeting, Sydney Morning Herald, Parramatta column, 21 Apr 1859, page 15.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Gardner
Last Edited1 July 2022