James Grime, The Older, lived in Bolton, Lancashire, on 5 December 1784.
6 He lived in Edgworth, Lancashire, on 18 August 1786.
6 He lived in Edgworth, Lancashire, on 18 April 1790.
6 He lived at Ashworths in Edgworth, Lancashire, in 1801.
James Grime, The Older, was sentenced to 14 days gaol for stealing working tools in April 1806 in Lancashire, England, United Kingdom.
8 He was sentenced to 3 months gaol for larceny in July 1814 in Lancashire, England, United Kingdom.
9 He was sentenced to 3 months gaol for larceny on 1 June 1816 in Lancashire, England, United Kingdom.
10 , then aged at age 52, was a witness when in Musbury Common, Lancashire, on 29 June 1818.
11 On 20 March 1819 in Lancaster, England, United Kingdom, James Grime, The Older, was charged with having uttered a forged one pound note to James Isherwood at Bolton.
12,13,11 He was found guilty of uttering a forged one pound Bank of England note to James Isherwood at Bolton on 23 March 1819 in Lancaster, England, United Kingdom.
1,14,13,11 He was sentenced to death on 2 April 1819 in Lancaster, England, United Kingdom. Chief Baron, in passing the sentence of death, addressed the following remarks to James Grime: "As for you, James Grime the elder ... it is possible, but of this I can offer you no assurance, that in your case there may be some mitigation of your punishment".
15,16,13 He was reprieved from the death sentence on 27 April 1819 in Lancashire, England, United Kingdom.
13,17,18 He was received on board the Justicia Hulk on 3 June 1819 in Sheerness, England, United Kingdom.
19 He had his sentence remitted down further to 7 years on 24 September 1822 in Sheerness, England, United Kingdom.
19,20 He was pardoned on 21 March 1825.
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