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Person Page 6,245

Jane Grime

b. 19 September 1832, d. 27 July 1896


Jane Grime was born on 19 September 1832 in Parramatta.1,2 She was baptized on 11 November 1832 at St John's Church in Parramatta, New South Wales, Australian Colonies.2


FatherJames Grime, The Younger (b. 5 October 1796, d. 1 March 1869)
MotherCatherine Long (b. 1801, d. 9 January 1871)

Family life

George Matthews and Jane Grime were married on 29 July 1849.3

Partner with George Matthews (b. 1816, d. 26 August 1894)


Jane Grime died on 27 July 1896 at age 63 in Coonabarabran.3


  1. [S1228] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index: NSW Births Grime x 4, (Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.)
  2. [S1294] Baptism Registration Bap: Grime, Jane 1832, Jane Grime, (11 Nov 1832), Society of Australian Genealogists.
  3. [S530] "RR: The Founders by Rod Warnock", June 2005, Rod Warnock (Kilaben Bay NSW); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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Last Edited11 September 2020