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William Grime

b. 16 August 1818, d. 16 October 1819


William Grime was born on 16 August 1818 in Little Bolton. He was baptised by the Lower Grisdale Off Minister1


FatherJames Grime, The Younger (b. 5 October 1796, d. 1 March 1869)
MotherJane Hardman (b. 1796)


William Grime died on 16 October 1819 at age 1 in Harwood.1 He was buried on 17 October 1819 at St Anne's Church in Turton.1


  1. [S1236] Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, Index to Lancashire Baptisms, (Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks, 20 Jan 2021.)
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Last Edited8 August 2020