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John Murphy

b. 1819, d. 31 July 1894

Family surname

For more information about the Murphy surname click here.


John Murphy was born in 1819 in Glenbeigh.1


FatherJeremiah ("Darby") Murphy (b. circa 1790, d. before 1853)
MotherJohannah (b. circa 1795, d. after 1853)

Family life

John Murphy and Mary Shea were married on 1 February 1836 in Keelnabrack.1,2

Children with Mary Shea (b. 1821, d. 22 June 1904)

SonDaniel Murphy (b. 1 January 1837, d. before April 1850)
SonJohn Murphy+ (b. about 1840, d. 7 February 1929)
SonJames Murphy+ (b. November 1843, d. 5 November 1919)
DaughterHonora Murphy (b. 29 January 1847)
SonDaniel Francis ("Donald") Murphy (b. April 1850, d. 9 February 1935)
DaughterMary Gertrude Murphy (b. April 1853)
DaughterAbigail Murphy (b. 2 June 1856, d. 26 December 1897)
DaughterJohanna Murphy (b. 25 November 1858, d. 19 July 1900)

Residence information

John Murphy immigrated on 25 August 1853 to Sydney, NSW, Australia, at Sydney Quarantine Station. The family traveled aboard SS Talavera which left Southampton on 31 May 1853.1,3 He and Mary Shea resided in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, about 1854.3

Working life

  • On 25 August 1853 John Murphy was a farm labourer in Sydney.1


She witnessed 's burial on 13 December 1867 in Campbells River, NSW, Australia.4,5 She witnessed 's burial on 20 December 1867 in Campbells River, NSW, Australia.6,5 John Murphy died on 31 July 1894 at age ~75 in Bathurst.7,8,9


There is a memorial to John Murphy at Bathurst Cemetery in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of his memorial.


  1. [S389] Murphy family entry, Talavera, Passenger list, 6 Sep 1853; in 4/4935 (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 2465.
  2. [S1086] Marriage Certificate, John Murphy and Mary Shea, 1 Feb 1836, General Register Office, Ireland. Glenbeigh marriages.
  3. [S476] Edited, "James Murphy, Esquire," in Australian Men of Mark, Vol. 2, Series 2. (Sydney: Charles F Maxwell, 1889.)
  4. [S432] Death Certificate, Mary Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1867 No 4129.
  5. [S1766] Template Error
  6. [S433] Death Certificate, Abbey Elizabeth Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1867 No 4130.
  7. [S1144] Murphy Shea Gravestone, Cemetery, Bathurst; James Fleming, 2018.
  8. [S1145] NSW Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index NSW death: Murphy, John, (Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages), 1894/10105, Oberon, parents Jeremiah and Johannah.
  9. [S1767] Obituary: Mary Murphy (nee Shea) 1821-1904, The Orange Leader, 24 Jun 1904, p2.
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Murphy clan
Pedigree Murphy
Last Edited28 June 2022