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Person Page 3,219

Jeremiah ("Darby") Murphy

b. circa 1790, d. before 1853

Family surname

For more information about the Murphy surname click here.


Jeremiah ("Darby") Murphy was born circa 1790.

Family life

Jeremiah ("Darby") Murphy and Johannah were married before 1819.1

Child with Johannah (b. circa 1795, d. after 1853)

SonJohn Murphy+ (b. 1819, d. 31 July 1894)


Jeremiah ("Darby") Murphy died before 1853.1


  1. [S389] Murphy family entry, Talavera, Passenger list, 6 Sep 1853; in 4/4935 (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 2465.
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Murphy clan
Pedigree Murphy
Last Edited24 October 2019