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Person Page 6,416

Elizabeth Duckworth

b. 1660, d. 10 July 1700

Person Exhibits

Logo Elizabeth Duckworth 1660


Elizabeth Duckworth was born in 1660.1

Family life

Joseph Grime and Elizabeth Duckworth were married on 26 June 1691 at St James Church in Haslingden.2

Children with Joseph Grime (b. 1660)

SonJoshua Grime+ (b. 2 March 1683, d. 23 January 1768)
SonJohn Grime (b. circa 1692, d. 17 October 1695)
SonJoseph Grime (b. circa 1693, d. 13 December 1696)
ChildStillborn Grime (b. 26 May 1695, d. 26 May 1695)
DaughterAlis Grime (b. circa 1697, d. 25 October 1706)
DaughterAnn Grime (b. circa 1698, d. 21 March 1701)
DaughterMargret Grime (b. July 1700, d. 7 August 1700)

Residence information

Elizabeth Duckworth lived at Church Hill in Haslingden, Lancashire, on 16 March 1683.1


Elizabeth Duckworth died on 10 July 1700 at age ~40 in Haslingden.1,3 She was buried on 12 July 1700 in Haslingden.3


  1. [S1375] Baptismal Record: Duckworth, Joh 1683, Vol 1683, (16 Mar 1683), General Register Office, England, Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 2HH
  2. [S1376] Marriage Certificate, Joseph Gryme and Elizabeth Duckworth, 26 Jun 1691, General Register Office, England, London. St James Church, Haslingden, Lancashire.
  3. [S1378] Ancestry, Bur: Grime, Elizabeth 1700 at Haslingden, (Public Record Office, 1700), Burial Register for St James Church, Haslingden, Lancashire.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Gardner
Last Edited21 March 2021