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Person Page 6,421

Ann Grime

b. circa 1698, d. 21 March 1701


Ann Grime was born circa 1698 in Edenfield.1


FatherJoseph Grime (b. 1660)
MotherElizabeth Duckworth (b. 1660, d. 10 July 1700)


Ann Grime died on 21 March 1701 at age ~3 at Cribdenside in Edenfield.1 She was buried on 22 March 1701 at Cribdenside in Haslingden.1


  1. [S1380] Ancestry, Bur: Grime children x 6 at Haslingden, (Public Record Office, 1695), Burial Register for St James Church, Haslingden, Lancashire.
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Last Edited3 January 2021