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Patrick Grady

b. 1788, d. 16 January 1866

Detailed biography

For a detailed biography of Patrick Grady click here.


Patrick Grady was born in 1788 in Newcastle.1,2


Family life

Patrick Grady and Margaret Whalan were married in 1806 in Newcastle.1,2 He and Susan Harty were married on 22 June 1860 in Bathurst.2

Children with Margaret Whalan (b. 1785, d. 4 June 1857)

DaughterMary Grady+ (b. 1807, d. 4 November 1880)
DaughterElenor Grady+ (b. 1812, d. 25 July 1894)
DaughterJudith Grady+ (b. 1815, d. 1 February 1883)
SonJames Grady+ (b. 1815, d. 25 September 1887)
SonPatrick Grady+ (b. 1816, d. 1892)

Partner with Susan Harty

Residence information

Patrick Grady emigrated on 8 November 1822 from Cork, Ireland. He was shipped to Australia as a convict aboard "Brampton".2 He immigrated on 22 April 1823 to Sydney, NSW, Australia. He arrived aboard the convict ship "Brampton".3,1,2

Involvement in crime

Patrick Grady was convicted of robbery with fire arms in April 1822 in Waterford. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. This was subsequently commuted to transportation.2 He was assigned as a servant to Rev Thomas Hassall in May 1823 in Bathurst.2 He was granted a ticket of exemption from government service on 2 January 1832 in Bathurst. This allowed him to reside with his wife in the Bathurst district and to spend his time and energy providing for her and their children. Nevertheless, he was not allowed to acquire property, to work for payment or to leave the district. He was required to attend convict musters and divine worship.2 He was granted a renewal of his ticket of exemption on 1 January 1833 in Bathurst.2 He was granted a ticket of leave on 10 September 1833 in Bathurst. He was now allowed to acquire property and to undertake paid employment; but he was still required to stay in the Bathurst district.2 He was given a replacement ticket of leave document on 6 February 1837 in Bathurst. This replaced the original document that had become mutilated because he was required to carry it with him at all times.2 He was granted a conditional pardon on 20 July 1837. He was now a free man subject to the condition that he not return to Great Britain and Ireland.2

Working life

  • In 1806 Patrick Grady was a farmer in Newcastle.


Patrick Grady died on 16 January 1866 at age ~78 in O'Connell.1,2 He was buried on 19 January 1866 in Brisbane Valley Creek.1,2


There is a memorial to Patrick Grady at Brisbane Valley Cemetery in Brisbane Valley Creek, NSW, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of his memorial.


  1. [S469] Karen O'Neil, "RR: Grady - Whalan family group sheet by Karen O'Neil", circa 2002 (). Hereinafter cited as "RR: Grady - Whalan family group sheet by Karen O'Neil."
  2. [S905] "Descendants of Patrick Grady and Margaret Whalan", Athol Lamont; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S378] Patrick Grady, L: Grady - Colonial Secretary, Sydney: Colonial Secretary, 24 June 1824, `Fiche 3286 pp128-30.
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Grady clan
Pedigree Grady
Pedigree Kessey
Last Edited1 July 2022