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Elenor Grady

b. 1812, d. 25 July 1894


Elenor Grady was born in 1812 in Newcastle.1,2,3


FatherPatrick Grady (b. 1788, d. 16 January 1866)
MotherMargaret Whalan (b. 1785, d. 4 June 1857)

Family life

Patrick Foran and Elenor Grady were married on 10 July 1829 at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.3,4,5

Children with Patrick Foran (b. 1797, d. 17 June 1861)

DaughterMargaret Foran+ (b. 10 September 1830)
DaughterMary Foran+ (b. 1 February 1832)
SonPatrick J Foran+ (b. 1834, d. 16 March 1888)
DaughterJohannah Foran+ (b. 1837, d. 9 June 1916)
DaughterCatherine Foran+ (b. 1837)
SonMichael Foran (b. 1839, d. 1872)
SonJohn Foran (b. 1841, d. 1841)
SonCornelius Foran+ (b. 1842, d. 1908)
SonJohn J Foran+ (b. 1846, d. 1923)
SonPhillip Foran+ (b. 1849, d. 1938)

Residence information

On on 12 November 1828, James, Patrick, Mary, and Judith arrived at aboard. they was at age ~43 years old.4


Elenor Grady died on 25 July 1894 at age ~82 in O'Connell.4


  1. [S378] Patrick Grady, L: Grady - Colonial Secretary, Sydney: Colonial Secretary, 24 June 1824, `Fiche 3286 pp128-30.
  2. [S382] Surgeon's Journal: "City of Edinburgh" 1828, (MS, 1828); Archives Office of NSW; Kingswood.
  3. [S469] Karen O'Neil, "RR: Grady - Whalan family group sheet by Karen O'Neil", circa 2002 (). Hereinafter cited as "RR: Grady - Whalan family group sheet by Karen O'Neil."
  4. [S905] "Descendants of Patrick Grady and Margaret Whalan", Athol Lamont; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  5. [S963] Marriage Certificate, Patrick Foran and Ellen Grady, 10 Jul 1929, Society of Australian Genealogists, NSW. SAG Reel 6 FM4 5270.
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ContextGrady clan
Last Edited27 October 2018