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Ada Grace Flowerdew

b. 21 October 1881, d. about 1952

Person Exhibits

Ada Grace Fleming (nee Flowerdew), circa 1950

Detailed biography

For a detailed biography of Ada Grace Flowerdew click here.

Family surname

For more information about the Flowerdew surname click here.


Ada Grace Flowerdew was born on 21 October 1881 in Balmain. She was born in Sutton Street, Balmain in the presence of Dr Carruthers and Mrs McSparren. Her father was a 34 year old labourer and her mother was 35. Her older siblings consisted of three brothers and one sister living and one sister deceased1,2


FatherJohn James Flowerdew (b. 20 September 1846, d. 6 August 1910)
MotherGrace House (b. 12 August 1845, d. 6 October 1900)

Family life

Charles Taylor Fleming and Ada Grace Flowerdew were married on 16 May 1900 at 471 Pitt Street in Sydney. They were married according to the rites of the Greek Eastern Orthodox Church1,3

Children with Charles Taylor Fleming (b. 27 December 1878, d. 24 May 1937)

SonCharles Gordon Fleming (b. about 1901, d. about 1901)
SonJohn Flowerdew Fleming (b. about 1902, d. about 1902)
SonEric William Fleming+ (b. about 1905, d. 17 January 1976)
SonReginald Angus Fleming+ (b. 11 September 1908, d. 22 May 1984)
DaughterIrene Margaret Fleming (b. 10 July 1910, d. 31 August 1996)
DaughterAda Fleming (b. about 1911, d. 25 April 1921)

Working life

  • On 16 May 1900 Ada Grace Flowerdew was a dressmaker at 6 Sutton Street in Balmain.1
  • In 1900 Ada Grace Flowerdew was in Orange, NSW, Australia. He was employed as a clerk by Prescott's Ltd. The local newspaper the Orange Leader wrote in his obituary: "With the well-known produce firm his progress was so good that in 1900 when Mr Fleming was 21 years of age and newly married he was transferred to Orange for the opening of the branch here."4


Ada Grace Flowerdew died about 1952 at age ~71 in Orange.


There is a memorial to Ada Grace Flowerdew at Orange Cemetery in Orange, New South Wales, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of her memorial.


  1. [S285] Marriage Certificate, Charles Taylor Fleming and Ada Grace Flowerdew, 11 July 1900, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1900/2742 (1033.)
  2. [S357] Birth Certificate Vol 1881 No 4478, Ada Grace Flowerdew, (24 November 1881), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  3. [S462] Death Certificate, Charles Taylor Fleming, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1937 No 9841.
  4. [S291] Charles Taylor Fleming, The Orange Leader, 26 May 1937, Page 6, column 1.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Flowerdew clan
Last Edited21 June 2022