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John James Flowerdew

b. 20 September 1846, d. 6 August 1910

Person Exhibits

John James Flowerdew - 1866 discharge at London from SS Ann Royden

Detailed biography

For a detailed biography of John James Flowerdew click here.

Family surname

For more information about the Flowerdew surname click here.


John James Flowerdew was born on 20 September 1846 at Garden Lane in Great Yarmouth. The birth was registered on 7 October 1846 in the Sub-district of Great Yarmouth in the District of Great Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk1,2,3,4


FatherBenjamin Flowerdew (d. after 1870)
MotherElizabeth Tubby (b. about 1813, d. August 1848)

Family life

John James Flowerdew and Grace House were married on 22 December 1870 at St Andrews Cathedral in Sydney. He was a bachelor Mariner of Sydney and she a spinster of Liverpool Street, Sydney. His father, Benjamin, was a ship's carpenter. Her father was a Labourer.1,2,5,6,4

Children with Grace House (b. 12 August 1845, d. 6 October 1900)

DaughterMary Grace Flowerdew (b. about 1871, d. before 6 October 1900)
SonJohn B Flowerdew (b. about 1874, d. after 6 August 1910)
SonWilliam Thomas Flowerdew (b. about 1876, d. 25 February 1909)
SonFrederick Flowerdew (b. about 1878, d. after 6 August 1910)
DaughterEllen Flowerdew (b. about 1880, d. after 6 August 1910)
DaughterAda Grace Flowerdew+ (b. 21 October 1881, d. about 1952)

Residence information

John James Flowerdew lived in Sydney, NSW, Australia, on 22 December 1870.1 He lived in Australia before 1891. He lived at 6 Sutton Street in Balmain, NSW, on 6 October 1900.6

Working life

  • On 14 October 1865 John James Flowerdew was an Able Seaman.7
  • On 26 March 1866 John James Flowerdew was an Able Seaman.8
  • On 22 December 1870 John James Flowerdew was a mariner.1,4
  • On 16 May 1900 John James Flowerdew was a labourer "engineer."9


John James Flowerdew witnessed the death of Grace House on 6 October 1900 in Balmain North, NSW.5,6 Witnessed 's burial on 8 October 1900 in Balmain North, NSW.6 He died from liver cancer on 6 August 1910 at age 63 at Dellwood, College Street, in Drummoyne. He had been ill for 8 months4 He was buried on 8 August 1910 at Balmain CofE Cemetery in Leichhardt.4


There is a memorial to John James Flowerdew at Pioneers Memorial Park in Leichhardt, NSW, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of his memorial.


  1. [S350] Marriage Certificate, John Flowerdew and Grace House, 22 December 1870, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1870/1196.
  2. [S357] Birth Certificate Vol 1881 No 4478, Ada Grace Flowerdew, (24 November 1881), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  3. [S423] Birth Certificate BxBz 305592, John James Flowerdew, (17 Oct 1846), General Register Office, England.
  4. [S455] Death Certificate, John James Flowerdew, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1910 No 9090.
  5. [S400] Death Certificate, John House, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1888 No 2062.
  6. [S452] Death Certificate, Grace Flowerdew, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1900 No 11694.
  7. [S345] John Flowerdew, Ship Discharge: Flowerdew, John, 15 Mar 1866. A18660315.
  8. [S346] John Flowerdew, Ship Discharge: Flowerdew, John, 11 Jul 1866. A18660711.
  9. [S285] Marriage Certificate, Charles Taylor Fleming and Ada Grace Flowerdew, 11 July 1900, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1900/2742 (1033.)
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Flowerdew clan
Pedigree Flowerdew
Last Edited21 June 2022