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Person Page 4,008

William Thomas Flowerdew

b. about 1876, d. 25 February 1909

Family surname

For more information about the Flowerdew surname click here.


William Thomas Flowerdew was born about 1876.1


FatherJohn James Flowerdew (b. 20 September 1846, d. 6 August 1910)
MotherGrace House (b. 12 August 1845, d. 6 October 1900)


William Thomas Flowerdew died from drowning on 25 February 1909 at age ~33 in Manly. He drowned at Manly Beach2,1


  1. [S452] Death Certificate, Grace Flowerdew, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1900 No 11694.
  2. [S455] Death Certificate, John James Flowerdew, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1910 No 9090.
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ContextFlowerdew clan
Last Edited26 April 2020