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Eliza Connors

b. about 1808, d. 29 January 1876


Eliza Connors was born about 1808 in Dublin.1,2


Family life

Married on 19 July 1844 in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia. Both lived at Campbell's River (recorded as "Camel's River"). He was C of E but she was "Roman Catholic"1,3

Children with William Baker (b. about 1805, d. 25 January 1882)

DaughterEliza ("Betsey") Baker (b. about 1840, d. after 1876)
DaughterAgnes Baker (b. about 1842, d. after 1876)
SonJohn Baker (b. about 1846, d. after 1876)
SonWilliam Baker (b. about 1848, d. 28 August 1877)
DaughterSusannah Baker+ (b. about 1848, d. 14 October 1907)

Residence information

Eliza Connors immigrated about 1832 to Sydney, NSW, Australia.1 She lived with William Baker in 1866 in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.4


Eliza Connors died from bronchitis on 29 January 1876 at age ~68 in Triangle Creek.1,2 She was buried on 2 February 1876 at Jumpers Flat in Rockley.1,2


There is a memorial to Eliza Connors at Jumpers Flat Cemetery in Rockley, New South Wales. Follow this link for information and images of her memorial.


  1. [S435] Death Certificate, Eliza Baker, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1876 No 4603.
  2. [S436] Baker x 3 Gravestone, Cemetery, Jumpers Flat; James Fleming, 25 Jan 1882.
  3. [S319] Marriage Certificate, William Baker and Eliza Connors, 19 July 1844, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. Vol 94 No 285.
  4. [S344] Marriage Certificate, David Press and Susannah Baker, 2 May 1866, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1866/1454 (42.)
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Pedigree Baker
Last Edited28 June 2022