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George Charles Reed Murphy

b. 24 December 1880, d. 11 December 1949

Person Exhibits

Detailed biography

For a detailed biography of George Charles Reed Murphy click here.

Family surname

For more information about the Murphy surname click here.


George Charles Reed Murphy was born on 24 December 1880 in Gongolgon. The BC records that he had two older living brothers1,2,3,4,5,6


FatherJames Murphy (b. November 1843, d. 5 November 1919)
MotherPrudence Reed (b. 3 July 1846, d. 29 October 1940)

Family life

George Charles Reed Murphy and Ellen Ruby Bowen were married on 18 October 1905 at St Ignatius Catholic Church in Bourke.7,6,4 He and Grace Isabel Cox were married on 2 July 1918 at Court House in Winton.3,6 He and Kathleen Teresa White were married on 12 February 1934 at St Patricks Catholic Church in Brewarrina. She was a widow and he was a widower.6,8

Children with Ellen Ruby Bowen (b. 16 September 1882, d. 14 April 1912)

SonJohn Henry Murphy+ (b. about 1906)
DaughterEna Ruby Murphy+ (b. 6 September 1908, d. 16 October 1995)
DaughterLeila Murphy+ (b. 1 June 1911)

Children with Grace Isabel Cox (b. about 1888, d. between 1924 and 1934)

SonJames Murphy (b. about 1919, d. after 1949)
SonCharlie Burnet (b. about 1924, d. after 1949)

Partner with Kathleen Teresa White (b. about 1885, d. after 1949)

Residence information

George Charles Reed Murphy lived at Elderslie Street in Winton, Queensland, Australia, on 2 July 1918.3

Working life

  • On 18 October 1905 George Charles Reed Murphy was a station hand in Bourke.4
  • On 6 December 1909 George Charles Reed Murphy was a carrier in Bourke.9
  • On 2 July 1918 George Charles Reed Murphy was a labourer at Elderslie Street in Winton.3
  • On 29 October 1928 George Charles Reed Murphy was a labourer.10
  • On 12 February 1934 George Charles Reed Murphy was a labourer in Brewarrina.8


Died on on 11 December 1949 in Goondiwindi, Queensland, Australia, at age at age 68. firstly: coronary embolus; and secondly: chronic myocarditis6 George Charles Reed Murphy was buried on 12 December 1949 at Goondiwindi Cemetery in Goondiwindi.6


There is a memorial to George Charles Reed Murphy at Goondiwindi Cemetery in Goondiwindi, Queensland, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of his memorial.


  1. [S292] Death Certificate, Prudence Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1940 No 526.
  2. [S474] Interview with Ena Ruby Murphy (Bourke), by Halvene Therese Kessey, 1983. Fleming Family History Archive (Sydney.)
  3. [S599] Marriage Certificate, George Charles Reed Murphy and Isobel Cox, 2 Jul 1918, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Queensland. 1918/2177 677.
  4. [S602] Marriage Certificate, George Charles Reed Murphy and Ellen Ruby Bowen, 18 October 1905, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1905/9105.
  5. [S356] Birth Certificate Vol 1880 No 11867, George Charles Reed Murphy, (11 February 1881), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  6. [S598] Death Certificate, George Charles Reed Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Queensland, Vol 1949 No 4538 6165.
  7. [S456] Death Certificate, Ellen Ruby Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1912 No 4939.
  8. [S603] Marriage Certificate, George Charles Reed Murphy and Kathleen Teresa Grant, 12 February 1934, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1934/3039.
  9. [S1634] "," The Western Herald, Bourke, ; online image, Trove (: accessed ), Newspapers and Gazettes., The Drowning Accident; news article; 11 December 1909; page 4; Trove; 17 April 2023
  10. [S459] Marriage Certificate, Halvar Roy Kessey and Ena Ruby Murphy, 29 Oct 1928, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1928/19996.
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Murphy clan
Pedigree Murphy
Last Edited17 April 2023