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Person Page 4,950

Grace Isabel Cox

b. about 1888, d. between 1924 and 1934


Grace Isabel Cox was born about 1888 in Rockhamption.1,2


FatherGeorge Thomas Cox (b. about 1865)
MotherSusan Aird (b. about 1865)

Family life

George Charles Reed Murphy and Grace Isabel Cox were married on 2 July 1918 at Court House in Winton.2,1

Children with George Charles Reed Murphy (b. 24 December 1880, d. 11 December 1949)

SonJames Murphy (b. about 1919, d. after 1949)
SonCharlie Burnet (b. about 1924, d. after 1949)

Residence information

Grace Isabel Cox lived at Elderslie Street in Winton, Queensland, Australia, on 2 July 1918.2

Working life

  • On 2 July 1918 Grace Isabel Cox was a domestic at Elderslie Street in Winton.2


Grace Isabel Cox died between 1924 and 1934.1


  1. [S598] Death Certificate, George Charles Reed Murphy, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Queensland, Vol 1949 No 4538 6165.
  2. [S599] Marriage Certificate, George Charles Reed Murphy and Isobel Cox, 2 Jul 1918, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Queensland. 1918/2177 677.
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Last Edited21 August 2018