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Mary Reid

b. circa 1741


Mary Reid was born circa 1741.1

Family life

Charles Taylor and Mary Reid were married circa 1761.1

Children with Charles Taylor (b. circa 1740)

SonJames Taylor (b. 1 August 1762, d. before 11 October 1778)
DaughterJanet Taylor (b. 10 May 1764)
SonCharles Taylor (b. 8 June 1766)
DaughterMary Taylor (b. 28 January 1768, d. before 18 January 1774)
SonWilliam Taylor (b. 2 June 1770)
DaughterMary Taylor (b. 18 January 1774)
DaughterAgnes Taylor (b. 9 May 1776)
SonJames Taylor (b. 11 October 1778)
SonAlexander Taylor+ (b. 20 December 1780, d. 21 May 1859)
DaughterJean Taylor (b. 21 May 1783)
SonRobert Taylor (b. 11 September 1788)


  1. [S1038] Death Certificate, Taylor, Alexander, National Records of Scotland, Scotland, 652/1 58.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Fleming
Last Edited20 May 2019