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Elizabeth Wilson

Family life

Sergeant Benjamin Heazle and Elizabeth Wilson were married circa 1811. I could not find a record of the marriage, but there is no reason to doubt the information from Frances Reed's death certificate.1

Children with Sergeant Benjamin Heazle (b. circa 1792, d. 28 December 1850)

DaughterFrances Heazle+ (b. 1812, d. 5 April 1895)
SonBenjamin Heazle, Junior (b. 24 June 1820, d. 26 October 1875)
SonJames Heazle (b. 24 September 1822, d. 20 June 1824)


Elizabeth Wilson died.


  1. [S405] Death Certificate, Frances Reed, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1895 No 4274.
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Ch Kessey forebears
Pedigree Murphy
Last Edited21 August 2018