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James Heazle

b. 24 September 1822, d. 20 June 1824


James Heazle was born on 24 September 1822 in Malta.1,2 He was baptized on 20 October 1822 in Malta.2


FatherSergeant Benjamin Heazle (b. circa 1792, d. 28 December 1850)
MotherElizabeth Wilson


James Heazle died on 20 June 1824 at age 1 in Malta.1,2 He was buried on 21 June 1824 in Malta. Eleven other children of soldiers were buried in the same place within a period fo two weeks.1,2


  1. [S1636] Ancestry, Bur: Heazle, James 1824 at Malta, (), son of Benj Heazle, Sergeant 80th Reg, Military Records of Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Burials, 1813-1957.
  2. [S1717] Royal Army Medical Corps, Medical records Malta Garrison 1799-1979, London: Royal Army Medical Corps, accessed 5 August 2022, 80th Regiment 1821-1830.
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Last Edited5 August 2022