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Denis Shea

b. about 1797, d. 27 March 1858


Denis Shea was born about 1797 in Kerry.1,2


FatherDaniel Shea (b. circa 1770)
MotherHonora Barrett (b. circa 1771)

Family life

Denis Shea and Mary Horgan were married circa 1818 in Glenbeigh.3,4,5,2

Children with Mary Horgan (b. circa 1795, d. August 1855)

DaughterMary Shea+ (b. 1821, d. 22 June 1904)
DaughterHonora Shea (b. circa 1822)
SonDaniel Shea+ (b. 1829, d. 12 September 1864)
DaughterAbigail ("Gobonal") Shea (b. 1831, d. 18 August 1916)
DaughterAnn ("Nancy") Shea+ (b. 1833)

Residence information

Denis Shea immigrated on 26 October 1834 to Sydney, NSW, Australia. He was transported to Australia aboard the convict transport ship "Blenheim". He was married with four children. He was 5' 4" tall with a "ruddy freckled" complexion, light brown hair and grey eyes.1,6,2 He lived in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, on 14 September 1849, living with the Aitken family.7 He lived in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, on 25 August 1853.3 He purchased 100 acres in 1854 in Limekilns.

Involvement in crime

Denis Shea was found guilty of sheep stealing on 13 March 1834 in Tralee, Kerry, Ireland. He was sentenced to transportation for life.7,1,8,6 He was granted a Ticket of Leave on 12 December 1842 in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.6 He was approved for a conditional pardon on 9 July 1847.9 He was granted a conditional pardon on 31 December 1847.6,9

Working life

  • On 11 November 1834 Denis Shea was an assigned servant to Joshua Kinghorne in Goulburn.10


Denis Shea died from injuries sustained when his dray overturned on 27 March 1858 at age ~61 in Limekilns.3,11,2 He was buried on 30 March 1858 in Bathurst.2


There is a memorial to Denis Shea at Bathurst Cemetery in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of his memorial.


  1. [S421] Denis Shea entry, SS Blenheim, Convict Arrival Indent, 14 Nov 1834; in Convict Records (Kingswood: NSW Archives.)
  2. [S1148] Death Certificate, Denis Shea, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 2596/1858.
  3. [S389] Murphy family entry, Talavera, Passenger list, 6 Sep 1853; in 4/4935 (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 2465.
  4. [S1088] Various family historians, Correspondence re Shea, Murphy, Horgan and Grady, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 30 Jun 2019.
  5. [S1146] Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, editor, Bathurst Pioneers (Bathurst NSW 2795: Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007)
  6. [S1134] Denis Shea, Convict Ticket of Leave Butt: Shea Denis 1842, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 12 Dec 1842. Bathurst District.
  7. [S1089] Shea family entry, Panama, Passenger list, 14 Sep 1849; in (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW.)
  8. [S1133] Denis Shea, Irish Convict Warrants 1839 NSW: Shea Denis, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), 17 May 1839, Blenheim
  9. [S1135] Denis Shea, Conditional Pardon, (NSW: Colonial Secretary), 1847, 1310
  10. [S1132] Denis Shea, Convict Assignment 1834 NSW: Shea Denis, (Kingswood NSW: NSW State Archives), November 1834, HO 10/30. Goulburn Plains.
  11. [S1138] Inquest, Inquest: Denis Shea, Sydney: NSW Coroner, 6 April 1858, Coroner Busby.
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Pedigree Murphy
Last Edited1 July 2022