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Mary Horgan

b. circa 1795, d. August 1855


Mary Horgan was born circa 1795 in Glenbeigh.1


FatherDaniel Horgan (b. circa 1760, d. before 1849)
MotherGrace (b. circa 1765, d. before 1849)

Family life

Denis Shea and Mary Horgan were married circa 1818 in Glenbeigh.2,3,4,5

Children with Denis Shea (b. about 1797, d. 27 March 1858)

DaughterMary Shea+ (b. 1821, d. 22 June 1904)
DaughterHonora Shea (b. circa 1822)
SonDaniel Shea+ (b. 1829, d. 12 September 1864)
DaughterAbigail ("Gobonal") Shea (b. 1831, d. 18 August 1916)
DaughterAnn ("Nancy") Shea+ (b. 1833)

Residence information

Mary Horgan immigrated on 14 September 1849 to Sydney, NSW, Australia. The family traveled to Australia on the SS Panama.1,4 She lived with Denis Shea on 25 August 1853 in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.2

Working life

  • In 1849 Mary Horgan was a farm servant in Glenbeigh.


Mary Horgan died in August 1855 at age ~60 in Clear Creek. She is buried at Clear Creek.4


There is a memorial to Mary Horgan at Bathurst Cemetery in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia. Follow this link for information and images of her memorial.


  1. [S1089] Shea family entry, Panama, Passenger list, 14 Sep 1849; in (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW.)
  2. [S389] Murphy family entry, Talavera, Passenger list, 6 Sep 1853; in 4/4935 (Kingswood: Archives Office of NSW), 2465.
  3. [S1088] Various family historians, Correspondence re Shea, Murphy, Horgan and Grady, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 30 Jun 2019.
  4. [S1146] Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, editor, Bathurst Pioneers (Bathurst NSW 2795: Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007)
  5. [S1148] Death Certificate, Denis Shea, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 2596/1858.
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ContextCh forebears
Ch Kessey forebears
Pedigree Murphy
Last Edited1 July 2022