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Person Page 6,402

John Haworth

b. 1700, d. 9 April 1750

Person Exhibits

Logo John Haworth 1700


John Haworth was born in 1700.

Children with Mary, wife of John Haworth, (b. 1700)

SonJohn Haworth (b. 11 February 1727)
DaughterMary Haworth (b. 1 August 1731)
DaughterAlice Haworth+ (b. November 1732, d. 15 February 1816)
DaughterMary Haworth (b. 19 October 1735)
SonHenry Haworth (b. 4 December 1736)
SonChristopher Haworth (b. 23 June 1741)


John Haworth died on 9 April 1750 at age ~50 at Musbury in Haslingden.1 He was buried on 10 April 1750 at St James Church in Haslingden.1


  1. [S1368] Ancestry, Burial Register for St James Church, Haslingden, Lancashire, (Public Record Office, 1750), Burial Register for St James Church, Haslingden, Lancashire.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Gardner
Last Edited24 August 2020