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Stella Jolliffe

b. 1 May 1910

Person Exhibits

Stella Jolliffe, circa 1928

Detailed biography

For a detailed biography of Stella Jolliffe click here.

Family surname

For more information about the Jolliffe surname click here.


Stella Jolliffe was born on 1 May 1910 at McQuarie Street in Cowra. Her father was a labourer aged 25 and her mother was aged 18 years. The registration was witnessed by Susan Jolliffe1,2


FatherJames Jolliffe (b. 1 January 1883, d. 4 January 1969)
MotherAmy Laura Emily Gardner (b. 12 March 1892, d. 23 September 1952)

Family life

Reginald Angus Fleming and Stella Jolliffe were married on 31 January 1929 at All Saints' Church of England in Canowindra. The consent of both fathers was obtained. Charles Taylor Fleming was a Shire Clerk while James Jolliffe was a Contractor. The groom, a Bachelor Bank Clerk, was aged 20 from Orange and the bride, a Spinster Clerk, was 18 and lived at Cowra2,3 Reginald Angus Fleming and she were divorced about 1943. Johannes ("Matthijs") Willemsen and she were married on 18 December 1944 in Kingsford. Jacques Pelissot and she were married on 9 November 1949 in Nairobi.

Children with Reginald Angus Fleming (b. 11 September 1908, d. 22 May 1984)

SonReginald Bruce Fleming (b. 7 September 1929, d. 15 August 2016)
SonJames Ballantyne Fleming (b. 18 October 1935, d. 6 January 2019)

Partner with Johannes ("Matthijs") Willemsen (b. about 1917, d. 16 March 1945)

Partner with Jacques Pelissot (b. about 1915, d. 3 November 1984)

Working life

  • On 31 January 1929 Stella Jolliffe was a clerk in Canowindra.2


Stella Jolliffe witnessed the death of Johannes ("Matthijs") Willemsen on 16 March 1945 in MV Sibigo, at sea, Australia. She died on 7 April 2007 in Canowindra, NSW, Australia, at age 96. She was buried on 10 April 2007 in Canowindra.


There is a memorial to Stella Jolliffe at Canowindra Cemetery in Canowindra. Follow this link for information and images of her memorial.


  1. [S288] Birth Certificate Vol 1910 No 14232, Stella Jolliffe, (27 June 1910), NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.
  2. [S289] Marriage Certificate, Reginald Angus Fleming and Stella Jolliffe, 31 January 1929, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW. 1929/C235966.
  3. [S302] Death Certificate, Reginald Angus Fleming, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1984 No 11115.
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ContextCarlisle clan
Ch Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Gardner clan
Jolliffe clan
Waples clan
Last Edited21 June 2022