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George Elliott

b. about 1802, d. 25 October 1838

Person Exhibits

Logo George Elliott 1802


George Elliott was born about 1802.1,2,3

Family life

George Elliott and Frances ("Granny Elliott") Gibson were married about 1830.1,3

Children with Frances ("Granny Elliott") Gibson (b. about 1806, d. 12 January 1870)

SonJames Elliott (b. about 1832)
SonGeorge Elliott (b. 18 October 1835)
DaughterEmma Mary ("Granny Kemp") Elliott+ (b. 17 October 1837, d. 12 December 1931)

Working life

  • In 1837 George Elliott was working jeweller.4,3
  • About 1838 George Elliott was a silversmith.1


George Elliott died on 25 October 1838 at age ~36 at the Workhouse in London.1,3,2 He was buried on 26 October 1838 at Holy Trinity Church, St Clement Danes, in London.2,3


  1. [S479] Joan McKenzie, Gibson's Way, 24 Zoccoli Street Coonamble NSW 2829: Joan McKenzie, 1993, p 111.
  2. [S1474] Ancestry, Bur: Elliott, George 1838 at St Clement Danes, (City of Westminster Archives, 1838), HTVBR/PR/1/4, aged 36, Burial Register for the Holy Spirit Church, St Clement Danes.
  3. [S1453] "Elliott family origins", 2020, James Michael Fleming (Cammeray, NSW); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  4. [S1432] Baptismal Record: Elliott, George and Emma, Vol 1855, No STM/PR/6/30, (5 Apr 1855), two adult baptisms, City of Westminster Archives, London
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Kemp
Last Edited6 November 2020