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James Elliott

b. about 1832


James Elliott was born about 1832.1,2


FatherGeorge Elliott (b. about 1802, d. 25 October 1838)
MotherFrances ("Granny Elliott") Gibson (b. about 1806, d. 12 January 1870)

Residence information

James Elliott immigrated after 1855 to Belgium.3


  1. [S478] Immigrant Deposit Journal: Frances Gibson and children, Immigrant Deposit Journal, Kingswood; Archives Office of NSW. Hereinafter cited as IDJ: Frances Gibson and children.
  2. [S686] Death Certificate, Frances Pirie, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1870 No 3353.
  3. [S479] Joan McKenzie, Gibson's Way, 24 Zoccoli Street Coonamble NSW 2829: Joan McKenzie, 1993, p 118.
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Last Edited6 November 2020