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Person Page 4,368

Elizabeth Knapp, or Nepp

b. about 1784


Elizabeth Knapp, or Nepp, was born about 1784.1

Family life

James Gibson and Elizabeth Knapp, or Nepp, were married about 1804.1

Children with James Gibson (b. about 1784)

DaughterFrances ("Granny Elliott") Gibson+ (b. about 1806, d. 12 January 1870)
SonGeorge James Gibson+ (b. 22 October 1806, d. 10 May 1862)


  1. [S479] Joan McKenzie, Gibson's Way, 24 Zoccoli Street Coonamble NSW 2829: Joan McKenzie, 1993, p 2.
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ContextCh Fleming forebears
Ch forebears
Pedigree Kemp
Last Edited6 November 2020