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Susanna Daniels, (Woolstone)

b. say 1800


Susanna Daniels, (Woolstone), was born say 1800. from age at death1,2 She was born say 1800 in Scratby. from age in 1861 census3,2

Family life

Susanna Daniels, (Woolstone), wasrecorded in the General Register Office as married in September 1851 in Mutford, Suffolk, -England.4,5,2

Partner with William Flowerday (b. say 1786)

Residence information

Susanna Daniels, (Woolstone), and William Flowerday resided in Scratby, Norfolk, England, in August 1865.6


Susanna Daniels, (Woolstone), witnessed the New Tag of William Flowerday on 26 August 1865 in Scratby, Norfolk, England.7,8,9,2,6,10 She had her estate probated on 17 February 1866 in Scratby, Norfolk, England.6 She was recorded as dead on 11 March 1873. age 7311,12,1,2 At, Susanna Daniels, (Woolstone), was buried on 17 March 1873 in Ormesby St Margaret, Norfolk, England. age 7313,2


  1. [S269] , (), her tombstone.
  2. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S271] Ruth Flowerdew, Letter From Ruth 25 June 1990, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 25 June 1990, census summary.
  4. [S263] P.T.R. Palgrave-Moore, editor, Norfolk Pedigrees (70 St Giles Street Norwich: Norfolk and Norwich Genealogical Society, 1985), page 70
  5. [S259] Arthur Flowerdew, Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths: General Register Office, 1988, 13 861 Mutford.
  6. [S597] William Flowerdew will (1866), Will: William Flowerdew 1866 1861-1941, England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations),1861-1941, [database on-line]. Hereinafter cited as A1866.
  7. [S258] , Bur: Flowerday, William, (Norfolk Family History Society.)
  8. [S269] , (), his tombstone.
  9. [S259] Arthur Flowerdew, Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths: General Register Office, 1988, 4b 26 Flegg.
  10. [S268] William Flowerday will (), W: Flowerday, William, Somerset House, London. Hereinafter cited as W: Flowerday, William.
  11. [S259] Arthur Flowerdew, Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths: General Register Office, 1988, vol 4b 34 Flegg.
  12. [S264] "Descendants of John Flowerday of Beeston St Lawrence, Norfolk", Ruth Flowerdew; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  13. [S281] Flegg Island, Index: BDM Flegg Island - Flowerdew,,, summary details from parish records.
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Last Edited21 August 2018