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Person Page 3,069

Sarah Graviner

b. between 1730 and 1740


Sarah Graviner was born between 1730 and 1740.1

Family life

Sarah Graviner married Robert Flowerdew on 12 November 1764 in Stalham, Norfolk, England. According to the parish register, they were married by licence2,3,1

Children with Robert Flowerdew (b. between 1738 and 1741)

SonJames Flowerdy
SonRobert Flowerdew (d. about 20 September 1766)
SonRobert Flowerdy (d. about 4 June 1768)
DaughterFrances Flowerdy
SonRobert Flowerdew
SonJohn Flowerdew
SonFrancis Flowerdew (d. before November 1774)
SonFrancis Flowerdew
SonJoshua Flowerdew
DaughterMaria Flowerdew
DaughterAmy Flowerdew
DaughterMary Flowerday
SonFrancis Flowerdew (b. 1772, d. November 1772)


  1. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S273] "Notes on Norfolk Pedigrees Part Two and Three", Ruth Flowerdew; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S267] Flowerdew marriage, in Stalham parish register.
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Last Edited21 August 2018