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Amy Dunt

b. between 1740 and 1750, d. 1836


Amy Dunt was born between 1740 and 1750. mariage in parish register1

Family life

James Flowerdew and Amy Dunt were married on 23 June 1768 in Stalham. His name was shown as Flowerday in the marriage entry. Both bride and groom were recorded as illiterate.2,1


Amy Dunt died in 1836 in Stalham.3,1


  1. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S267] Flowerdew marriage, in Stalham parish register.
  3. [S264] "Descendants of John Flowerday of Beeston St Lawrence, Norfolk", Ruth Flowerdew; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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Last Edited21 August 2018