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Charles Flowerdew

b. 23 February 1851

Family surname

For more information about the Flowerdew surname click here.


Charles Flowerdew was born on 23 February 1851 in Berkhamsted.1 The birth of Charles Flowerdew wasregistered in the in the quarter ending in June 1851 in the in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, registration district.2,3,1


FatherWilliam Flowerdew (b. 3 October 1812, d. 1892)
MotherMartha Branton (b. between 1815 and 1816)


  1. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  2. [S263] P.T.R. Palgrave-Moore, editor, Norfolk Pedigrees (70 St Giles Street Norwich: Norfolk and Norwich Genealogical Society, 1985), page 71
  3. [S259] Arthur Flowerdew, Index of Births, Marriages and Deaths: General Register Office, 1988, vol 6 501.
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Last Edited21 August 2018