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Person Page 3,125

Hannah Flowerdew

b. say 1800

Family surname

For more information about the Flowerdew surname click here.


Hannah Flowerdew was born say 1800 in Horsey. date by calculation from age at baptism1,2 She was baptized on 4 April 1803 in Ingham, Norfolk, England. age 31,2


FatherJames Flowerdew (d. 1836)
MotherElizabeth Tooly (b. between 1755 and 1765, d. 1834)


  1. [S265] Ingham, Bap: Ingham - Flowerdew x several, Public Record Office, London.
  2. [S282] "Research Report: Norfolk Pedigrees Part Four", 4 April 2004, Peter Flowerday; Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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Last Edited21 August 2018