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Person Page 3,261

Carmel Rae Kessey

b. 18 August 1939, d. 15 February 2019

Person Exhibits

Carmel Rae Kessey, circa 1959

Family surname

For more information about the Kessey surname click here.


Carmel Rae Kessey was born on 18 August 1939.1


FatherHalvar Roy Kessey (b. 1 April 1905, d. 11 December 1981)
MotherEna Ruby Murphy (b. 6 September 1908, d. 16 October 1995)


SonRobert John Hull+ (b. 12 March 1961)


Carmel Rae Kessey died from cancer on 15 February 2019 at age 79 at Lourdes Hospital in Dubbo. She was buried on 21 February 2019 in Dubbo.


  1. [S700] Married 50 years, The Western Herald, main article, 3 Nov 1978, front page.
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ContextBaker clan
Hanrahan clan
Last Edited31 October 2019