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Harold Martin

b. about 1890, d. 20 May 1967


Harold Martin was born about 1890. A195103071


Family life

Harold Martin and Beatrice Susan ("Beat") Kessey were married on 23 June 1914.2,3

Children with Beatrice Susan ("Beat") Kessey (b. 1895, d. 5 March 1951)

SonHarold Martin
DaughterBetty Martin+
DaughterElvy Martin+

Working life

  • In 1913 Harold Martin was an engine driver in Mount David.4


Harold Martin died on 20 May 1967 at age ~77 in Australia.1


  1. [S408] Kessey Gravestones x 3 Gravestone, Cemetery, Wollongong; James Michael Fleming, 7 Mar 1951.
  2. [S403] "Kessey family facts", circa 1991, Gardiner (303 Birdwood Terrace, Toowong Qld 4006); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  4. [S761] All, 1913 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Mount David, Archives Office of NSW.
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Last Edited13 September 2018