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William S Grady

Family life

William S Grady and Emily Bernadette Kessey were married in 1921 in Orange.1

Children with Emily Bernadette Kessey (b. 1896)

SonJohn Grady
DaughterJoan Grady+
DaughterJoyce Grady+
SonPeter Grady
SonPatrick Grady+

Residence information

William S Grady was visit in August 1961 in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia. to see his relatives and friends2 Auntiejoesmum visited in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in June 1962.2


  1. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  2. [S304] "Research Report: Bruce Fleming, Western Herald extracts", Bruce Fleming; Australian National Library, Canberra.
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Last Edited13 October 2018