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Cynthia Veronica Collins

b. 1906, d. 24 February 2001


Cynthia Veronica Collins was born in 1906.1

Family life

John Horace Press Kessey and Cynthia Veronica Collins were married in 1925 in Orange.2,3

Children with John Horace Press Kessey (b. 1902, d. 1974)

SonNoel James Kessey+
SonHorace Merlyn Kessey+ (b. 1928, d. 12 January 2015)


Cynthia Veronica Collins died on 24 February 2001 at age ~95 in Tuncurry.1


  1. [S843] Joyce Ryerson et al, Ryerson Death Index, (Ryerson Index.)
  2. [S529] Joanne Kessey, e-mail message from email address to Jim Fleming, 10 May 2005. Hereinafter cited as "E: Joanne Kessey 2005 0510".
  3. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
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Last Edited27 September 2018