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Phyllis Rafferty

b. about 1917, d. before 1983


Phyllis Rafferty was born about 1917. She was adopted in 1918.


FatherHarold George Rafferty (b. 1889, d. 1952)
MotherEthel May Burrett (b. 1888, d. 1917)

Family life

Jack Jones and Phyllis Rafferty were married on 2 March 1940. Date taken from the wedding photo owned by Irene Fleming1

Child with Jack Jones

SonJohn Gregory Jones (b. about 1941)


Phyllis Rafferty died before 1983. heart attack1


  1. [S392] Nolan Rafferty, Letter from Nolan Rafferty to Bruce Fleming, Sydney: Fleming Family History Archive, 5 Nov 1983.
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Last Edited21 August 2018