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Person Page 3,957

Elisha Plucknett

Family life

Elisha Plucknett and Susannah Jolliffe were married in 1863.1,2

Children with Susannah Jolliffe (b. 26 January 1835, d. 31 January 1912)

DaughterSusannah Jane Plucknett (b. about 1864)
DaughterSarah Jane Plucknett (b. about 1865)
DaughterEllen Elizabeth Plucknett (b. about 1867)
DaughterMary Jane Plucknett (b. about 1869)
DaughterSofina Plucknett+ (b. about 1873)
DaughterChristina Plucknett (b. about 1876)

Residence information

Elisha Plucknett and Susannah Jolliffe resided at Garden Hill in Wollongong, NSW, Australia, about 1893.2

Working life

  • About 1870 Elisha Plucknett was a farmer at "Stream Hill" in West Dapto.2


  1. [S418] Unknown, editor, Illawarra Pioneers Pre-1900 (PO Box 310 Wollongong NSW 2520: Illawarra Family History Group Inc, 1988)
  2. [S596] Susannah Jolliffe, Email, 30 May 2011, Jolliffe, Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
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Last Edited21 August 2018