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Martha Duncan

b. about 1862


Martha Duncan was born about 1862 in Scotland.1,2


FatherJames Duncan (b. about 1840, d. after 18 July 1884)
MotherElizabeth Realston (b. about 1840, d. after 18 July 1884)

Family life

Martha Duncan married Angus Fleming, 2, on 18 July 1884 in Glasgow, Scotland.1,3,2

Children with Angus Fleming, 2, (b. 4 June 1862, d. 15 March 1887)

SonSon1 Fleming (b. about 1885, d. before 15 March 1887)
SonSon2 Fleming (b. about 1886, d. before 15 March 1887)

Residence information

, as Angus Fleming, 2,'s wife, resided with moulder, in Barony, Lanark, Scotland, in 1885.4

Working life

  • On 18 July 1884 Martha Duncan was a cotton power loom weaver at 79 Rumford Street in Glasgow.2


  1. [S448] Death Certificate, Angus Fleming, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1887 No 481.
  2. [S526] Marriage Certificate, Angus Fleming and Martha Duncan, 18 Jul 1884, General Register Office, Scotland, Edinburgh. 210 at Bridgeton in 1884.
  3. [S359] Martha Fleming nee Duncan, Family artifact: Memorial card - Fleming, Angus, Balmain: Martha Fleming, 15 March 1887.
  4. [S1152] Valuation Roll, (1885), Barony, ScotlandsPeople, Edinburgh
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Last Edited21 August 2018