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Person Page 4,388

Jane Langridge

b. 9 August 1945, d. 14 June 2013

Person Exhibits

Jane Langridge, circa 1968


Jane Langridge was born on 9 August 1945.

Family life

Jane Langridge was domestic partnership about 1970.1

Partner with James Anthony Kessey (b. 31 March 1930)


Jane Langridge died on 14 June 2013 at age 67 in Lisarow. She was cremated on 19 June 2013 in Gosford, NSW. Her ashes were scattered on Brisbane Water by her brother, Tim Langridge.2


  1. [S363] Interview with within the Family (Sydney), by Jim Fleming, various. Fleming Family History Archive (Sydney.)
  2. [S868] Diary: Jim Fleming's Genealogy Notebook
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Last Edited16 October 2018