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Archibald Wilson

b. 26 September 1832, d. 28 October 1891


Archibald Wilson was born on 26 September 1832 in Glasgow.1,2,3,4,5 He was baptized on 28 October 1832 at Hutchesontown Relief Church in Glasgow, Scotland.5


FatherJohn Wilson (b. 1806, d. before 1891)
MotherJane Leishman (b. 14 July 1810, d. 1843)

Family life

Archibald Wilson and Janet Tudhope were married circa 1855.1

Children with Janet Tudhope (b. circa 1835, d. before October 1891)

SonJohn Wilson (b. circa 1855, d. before October 1891)
SonThomas Wilson (b. circa 1856)
SonArchibald Wilson (b. February 1861)
DaughterMarion Wilson (b. February 1861, d. before April 1871)
SonAndrew Wilson (b. circa 1865)
SonAlexander Wilson (b. circa 1867)

Residence information

Archibald Wilson lived at Rutherglen Loan in Gorbals, Lanarkshire, on 6 June 1841, with his parents.6 He lived at 103 Govan Street in Gorbals, Lanarkshire, on 30 March 1851, iron moulder. He and his brother Robert were both boarding with the family of Edward and Rose Hollis.7 He lived at 16 Montgomerie Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow, Scotland, on 7 April 1861, iron founder.3 He lived at 16 Queen Mary Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow, Scotland, on 2 April 1871, iron founder.4 He lived at 29 Queen Mary Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow, Scotland, on 3 April 1881, iron moulder foreman. The Wilson family home was only a four minute walk from the Fleming family at 690 Springfield Road.2

Working life

  • On 28 October 1891 Archibald Wilson was an iron moulder in Sydney.1


He witnessed 's burial on 17 March 1887 in Rookwood Cemetery, NSW, Australia.8,9 Archibald Wilson died from hemeplegia on 28 October 1891 at age 59 at Sydney Hospital in Sydney.1 He was buried on 30 October 1891 at Rookwood Cemetery in Sydney. He was buried in the Presbyterian cemetery, in the same plot as Angus Fleming.1


  1. [S1049] Death Certificate, Archibald Wilson, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, 1687 in 1891.
  2. [S1050] Archibald Wilson, 3 April 1881 Census Transcription, Edinburgh, Glasgow, National Records of Scotland, 644/1 ED 70 p18 line 16.
  3. [S1052] Archibald Wilson, 7 Apr 1861 Census Transcript, Edinburgh, Bridgeton, Public Record Office, 644/3 ED 54 p1 line 1.
  4. [S1051] Archibald Wilson, 2 Apr 1871 Census Transcript, Edinburgh, Bridgeton, Public Record Office, 644/3 ED 65 p19 line 1.
  5. [S1055] Baptismal Record: Archibald Wilson 1832, Vol Film 889479, No -2:1687KLV, (28 Oct 1832), National Records of Scotland, New Register House Edinburgh
  6. [S1053] John Wilson, 6 Jun 1841 Census Transcript, Edinburgh, Gorbals, National Records of Scotland, 644/2 ED 66 p9 line 630.
  7. [S1054] Archibald Wilson, 30 Mar 1851 Census Transcript, Edinburgh, Gorbals, National Records of Scotland, 644/2 ED 30 p25 line 7.
  8. [S448] Death Certificate, Angus Fleming, Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, NSW, Vol 1887 No 481.
  9. [S359] Martha Fleming nee Duncan, Family artifact: Memorial card - Fleming, Angus, Balmain: Martha Fleming, 15 March 1887.
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Last Edited24 May 2019