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Edward Hynes

b. about 1859


Edward Hynes was born about 1859.1

Family life

Edward Hynes and Janet were married before 1879.1,2

Children with Janet (b. about 1859)

SonAlbert Henry Hynes (b. 1877)
DaughterMatilda Janet Hynes (b. 1879)
SonJames Hynes (b. 1882)
DaughterOlivera Edith May Hynes (b. 1884)
DaughterGertrude Winifred Hynes (b. 1886)
SonWilliam John Hynes+ (b. 1889, d. 1962)
SonGeorge Hayr Friend Hynes (b. 1893)


  1. [S577] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ birth: Hynes, William John, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs), 1889/7493.
  2. [S578] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ births: Hynes x 7, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs.)
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Last Edited21 August 2018