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Person Page 4,850

Albert James Paton

b. 9 November 1908, d. 1974


Albert James Paton was born on 9 November 1908.1,2


FatherJohn Baillie Paton (b. about 1881, d. 1959)
MotherChristina Fleming (b. about 1888, d. 1950)


Albert James Paton died in 1974 at age ~66 in New Zealand.2


  1. [S580] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ birth: Paton, Albert James, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs), 1908/25771.
  2. [S582] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ death: Paton, Albert James, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs), 1974/33829.
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Last Edited21 August 2018