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Person Page 4,851

George Milne Mackie

b. 1891, d. 1916


George Milne Mackie was born in 1891.1,2


FatherHugh Mackie (b. about 1869)
MotherIsabella Phoebe (b. about 1869)

Family life

George Milne Mackie and Elizabeth Taylor Fleming were married in 1916 in NZ.1,3

Partner with Elizabeth Taylor Fleming (b. 29 November 1892, d. after 1937)


George Milne Mackie died in 1916 at age ~25. typhoid fever2


  1. [S586] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ birth: Mackie, George Milne, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs), 1891/3988.
  2. [S588] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ death: Mackie, George Milne, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs), 1916/5838.
  3. [S585] NZ Department of Internal Affairs, Index NZ marriage: Fleming Mackie, (New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs), 1915/8859.
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Last Edited21 August 2018