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Person Page 4,978

Nita Clare Bye

b. 1932, d. 11 April 1974

Person Exhibits

Claire Bye, circa 1949


Nita Clare Bye was born in 1932 in Bourke.1

Family life

James Anthony Kessey and Nita Clare Bye were married about 1953 in Bourke.1,2

Child with James Anthony Kessey (b. 31 March 1930)

Adopted DaughterDimity Unknown (b. about 1960)

Residence information

Nita Clare Bye resided with Halvar Roy Kessey and Ena Ruby Murphy at 13 Sturt Street in Bourke, New South Wales, Australia, in 1954.3


Nita Clare Bye died on 11 April 1974 at age ~42.1 She was buried on 13 April 1974 at Woronora Cemetery in Woronora. Plot 1356, RC Lawn Section.4


  1. [S363] Interview with within the Family (Sydney), by Jim Fleming, various. Fleming Family History Archive (Sydney.)
  2. [S611] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Marriages, (Registry of BDM.)
  3. [S726] Kessey, 1954 Electoral Roll, Kingswood, Bourke, Archives Office of NSW.
  4. [S890] Various, Australian Cemeteries Index, (Reg & Jean McDonnell.)
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Last Edited21 October 2018