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Person Page 5,058


b. about 1832, d. after 1857


Filley was born about 1832 in China.1

Involvement in crime

, aged at age 39, in Byron, NSW, Australia, on 12 December 1856.2,3,4,5


Filley died after 1857.1


  1. [S643] Murder at Auburn Vale, New England, The Maitland Mercury, 3 Jan 1857.
  2. [S623] "Research Report: Tobin, Mary by Peter Page", 7 Jul 2004, Peter Page (email address); Fleming Family History Archive, Sydney.
  3. [S644] Murder by a Chinaman, The Moreton Bay Courier, 10 Jan 1857.
  4. [S642] Mary Howard nee Tobin, Police Gazette Vic: 1857 Howard Mary nee Tobin, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 8 Jan 1857
  5. [S640] Mary Howard nee Tobin, Police Gazette NSW: 1856 Howard Mary nee Tobin, (Kingswood: NSW State Archives), 31 Dec 1856
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Last Edited21 August 2018