William Wright
b. 27 November 1862, d. 27 August 1912
William Wright was born on 27 November 1862 at Cowga No 17 Station in Bogan River. The original record names the birthplace as "Gralger No. 17 Station on the Bogan" but I have not found any other refrence to this place. It is very likely that this should read "Cowga Station", which comprised blocks 16 and No 17 on the East Bogan. Perhaps the scribe mis-heard the name of the station. According to a list of early Bourke District births published on page 30, volume 7 of the History of Bourke journal, this child was the ninth child of European origin born in the Bourke District. The first child had been born at Fort Bourke two years earlier.
Working life
- Is a work associate of at in Brewarrina, New South Wales, Australia.5
William Wright died from heart failure following a one punch attack by Henry Nolan on 27 August 1912 at age 49 in Wilcannia. Nolan was later charged with manslaughter.
- [S679] untitled, Bourke and District Historical Society, History of Bourke Journal, First Births at Bourke volume (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), First Births at Bourke volume.

- [S1663] JM Fleming, Family Reed 1808 James Frances Heazle, Advertising, page 7, Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, 9 Jan 1871, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13215419
- [S1390] NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, Index to NSW Births and Baptisms, (Registry of BDM), William Wright, 4555/1862 at Bourke, parents William and Mary.
- [S1777] Template Error

- [S679] Biographies, Bill Cameron, History of Bourke Journal, Volume 10 (Bourke NSW: Bourke and District Historical Society, 1966-1992), page 120, Bob Wright.
- [S1779] Coroner, Register of Coroners' Inquests accessed through Ancestry on 6 May 2023 at - https://www.ancestry.com.au/discoveryui-content/view/7646:1785. Original record: State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, Registers of Coroners´ Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries, 1834-1942, 1908-1913, series 2764, item X2089, roll 343, page 141, number 1045, William Wright, 28 August 1912.
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